Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Battling February Blues

Battling February Blues

I have a friend who says, "February is the 8 weeks between January and March!"  Really, this climate change weather is doing a number on all of us, not just the many of us who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. (For SAD I recommend a full spectrum light.)

So I have always been grateful that today is my birthday.  First one who guesses my age gets a free subscription to almostfreeny!  My mother's birthday is next week, my cousin Leslie's birthday is later this month and my cousin Mitch was born in a leap year, so we always joked that his birthday came only every 4 years.  I also have a number of friends who were born this month -  Jeff, Robert, Dixie, Jamie, etc.  Even my new NYC Councilman Ben Kallos shares my birthday - Happy Birthday, Ben!

Being the obnoxiously positive person that I am, this gives me a reason to celebrate the month of February despite the inclement weather...and remember the peaceful beauty of new fallen snow...

Walking Cookie is (mostly) a joy in the snow.  She bounces through the fluffy stuff and prefers to do her business on a soft padding of it!  The only problem is the salt, which burns her paws.

Pet shop boots are expensive and Cookie won't wear them, so I have been experimenting w/baby booties bought @ Target $1.25 pair - BOGO half off - attached w/ hair elastics.  So far, so good, but I'd love to hear your money saving salt solutions.  Please sign up to follow this blog and tell me right here, O.K.?

Philip Seymour Hoffman  

So immeasurably sad.  A brilliant actor who was battling a powerful demon.  It is very hard to understand why doctors would prescribe opiates to an addict who made no secret of his disease.  I met Mr. Hoffman briefly during the Capote years at a Writers Guild Awards dinner.  He was shy and humble.  Recently, I spotted him near my church, where his funeral will be held on Friday.  This recent time, I respected his privacy and did not acknowledge that I had walked by an Academy Award winning star.  Now, I regret
not making a fuss.  His children will be in my prayers.

Swift Thrift

I never indulge in my favorite upscale makeup w/o getting a gift.  bloomingdale's is doing an especially good Clinique giveaway - cute case & your choice of palette - from Wednesday, February 12 - Sunday, March 2. Mark your calendar!

Keep warm, stay calm & carry on...Lori A. Bores

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