Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feeling Good

Let’s start off 2013 right!  

Since my anal retentive self is so into lists, let’s try 10 Things I Want to be Appreciated For or 10 things I Feel Proud Of.  OK, the grammarian in me is appalled at the dangling proposition in both of these titles, but here goes…

1)     my children – The fruits of my womb are fantastic and I think I’m a very good Mom.  As Jackie Onassis said, “When you bungle raising your children, nothing else you do matters very much.”
2)     my smarts – I don’t know everything, but I usually know where to begin to look for it.   Journalism once had strict standards and once upon a time I was part of it.  Skills learned are skills retained.
3)     my creativity – sewing, crafts, making anything w/ my hands.
4)     my resourcefulness – I have a scary sounding chronic disease, but it hasn't stopped me from "doing what a girl's gotta do."
5)     my thrift – I am raising a teenage daughter without child support.  Suffice it to say I am a familiar figure in thrift shops and am not afraid of rescuing treasures from other peoples’ trash.  I get excited when I find something fabulous.
6)     my voice – singing and speaking; on radio and in public
7)     my lust to learn – before I endeavor almost anything, I must read a book or an article or a website about it.
8)     my organization – a place for everything and everything in its place
9)     my writing – have won several awards, but don’t do enough of it.  Maybe this blog will change that!
10) my friendliness – I have this theory that dogs reflect their owners.  I own the most adorable shih tzu, whom I’ve raised since she was a puppy.  People are drawn to her and constantly remark about her affection.  One doorman admiringly said she was a flirt and called her “Madonna!”   A watchdog she’s not, but what a wonderful creature to come home to!

   I would love it if you tried this yourself and let me know what you’ve discovered.  As they say in the movie Prescious, “Everybody is good at something.”  If you can’t come up w/10 things, go for 3.  Know thyself, and the rest will fall into place.

   In my next blog, which will appear each Thursday, we'll get more into #5: my thrift.  Please join me on the journey to financial independence.  It will be quite a ride!

Keep calm and carry on...Lori