Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Travel Time

Travel Time

Yours truly chilling in Jamaica

After the unspeakable Winter many of us in the US have had, I think we all need a little change of scenery. Of course travel can take a big bite out of your budget, but in the new sharing economy there are some surprising ways to save.

At the top of my list is AirBnB.  I like people so I prefer the places where the hosts live at home and give guests an extra room & bathroom.  If you want more privacy, there are tons of listings that lend you the whole home, but at a higher price.

The beauty of AirBnB is that you get to know the host by email before you ever make a reservation. AirBnB takes care of all the finances so there's no awkward negotiating with strangers.  There are other sharing sites like Windu, couchsurfingHomeAway, etc. depending on the level of privacy you require vs. the cost. Sharing sites have hosts all over the world. There are so many more options than there were just a few years ago, so don't let the imagined high cost of accommodations keep you at home.