Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New You

Welcome to the new you! 

If 2013 is the year you finally are going to get your finances on the right path, you've come to the right place.

I consider myself a student of thrift.  I'll happily share my tips, does and don'ts with fellow economists - and I invite you to join the party.  Money, of course, is serious business, but no matter how deep you are in the hole, it is a solvable problem...and I love solvable problems.  They're a challenge.

But first things first.  Before we begin, I'd like you to make a list of 10 things that you consider inexpensive - or better yet,  free - treats.  Why?  There will be times when sticking to a budget is going to feel like deprivation.  To stop the pity party in its tracks, you need to be able to reward yourself quickly.  My trainer friend calls it the work-reward-work-reward cycle.  We are all human and occasionally we need to give ourselves an atta-boy or atta-girl.

Everyone's list will be different, but here's mine:  

1)  a slice of really good pizza (for me it's Mimi's @ 84th & Lex - good enough for Paul McCartney...)  
2)  an Italian ice
3)  a spritz of perfume at the department store counter
4)  a vigorous power walk
5)  a 20 minute nap
6)  a really good cup of coffee - hot or iced depending on the weather - from your local deli (for me Ottomanelli's on 82nd & York)
7)  belting out a favorite song (extra points for using the hairbrush microphone)
8)  crazy dancing to a deeply funky song
9)  an eggroll
10)an attitude of gratitude - saying thank you to someone for something you already have

Looking at this list, I realize that nearly half of it involves food, but hey, I'm Italian, so deal with it!  The point is to think of treats that won't blow the budget but still feel like a pat on the back. 

Next week, we'll look at using and misusing credit...

Keep calm & carry on...Lori

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