Friday, November 28, 2014

The Blessings of MS - Part 2

The Blessings of MS - Part 2

The very last thing I would have expected to be doing on a biting cold day in the middle of November is sailing on the Hudson River!  At my weekly swimming class, Val the instructor mentioned an email she'd received about an organization called SailingSclerosis - Oceans of Hope.  My friend Dodie and I jumped right on that bandwagon and poof!  There we were, getting on a boat for a a fabulous adventure. is an amazing foundation founded by a Danish physician, who wants to change the perception of this wacky disease.  Their boat is sailing around the world with a crew of people who have MS but are determined to keep doing, keep learning, keep truckin' (sorry Dead fans, couldn't help it)!

I love the water and actually have become a much better swimmer since I was diagnosed in 2000. Shortly after D(diagnosis)-day, my friend Nancy's daughter was having her Bas Mitzvah and my family spent a few days in a hotel w/ a pool.  The entire right side of my body didn't cooperate.  I couldn't swim in a straight line and it scared me to death. 

Swimming regularly has helped me enormously and today I'm very comfortable in the water, but  I've never taken sailing lessons and I'm certainly not the strongest person in the world, but I've decided to apply to be a member of the crew!

Look at me steering!  I turned the boat around in the Hudson, so my first lesson went pretty well, don't you think?

Should I be selected to join the crew, one of my tasks will be to keep you all posted, so stay tuned! On this day after Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for SailingSclerosis!

Now back to saving money.

Scam Warning

When people learn that you are interested in saving or making money, the unscrupulous among us - like the liars among us - try to take advantage of the vulnerable.  I was recently emailed about a car wrapping promotion that claimed to be from Monster Energy Drinks.

I'd always thought it would be fun to make some money having my cute car wrapped to promote a product I believe in, so initially I played along.

Before any money changed hands, however, I Googled it and found that the name Robert Miller and Monster Energy Drinks is a notorious internet scam.

You receive a fake check and are asked to deposit it into your bank account, then withdraw and wire money to an artist who is going to wrap your car.

I know you've heard this before but it bears repeating: Do not share bank information w/ anyone. Google everything first!

Black Friday

True confessions:  I used to be one of those hearty people who would rise in the middle of the night to stand on line in freezing temperatures to get a bargain.  I actually enjoyed the comraderie w/ other thrift-seekers!

Happily, the internet has changed all of that.  Most major retailers start their Black Friday deals online even earlier than they open their stores!  Early on Thanksgiving Day I visited Target online, ordered 4 gifts on sale - including a Nikon camera for $99 - and happily went back to food prep. 

I hope everyone had a peaceful, gratitude-filled Thanksgiving!  This year I am grateful for SailingSclerosis, my family, friends & you, my readers!  If you liked what you read here, please Become a follower or sign up to receive this by email. Let me know & forward the link to a friend 

Keep calm & carry on...Lori

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